
Parsley needs good soil, possibly mixed with sand, plenty of light and a constant temperature. It can be potted until August. Seeds are planted about 2 cm deep and spread evenly, the plants are sparse after they sprout. Parsley regenerates fairly quickly, so the leaves can be cut often for consumption.


The lovage pot should not be kept in direct sunlight, but in the shade. The plant loves water, but you shouldn’t over water it either. Choose a larger pot, because the roots of the lovage will grow quite long.


Can be grown in a pot by transplanting a sprig from the garden. It needs natural light, but can grow without too much sun.

Used externally, thyme reduces inflammation and cleanses the skin, and is useful for preventing and treating acne. It is also a rich source of iron and combats chronic fatigue and anxiety. In addition, the calcium, manganese and potassium it contains in abundance have benefits for the bone system.

Thyme is an aromatic herb that acts as a natural antioxidant that fights chronic inflammation, preventing the onset of cardiovascular disease. It acts as an antibacterial, which makes thyme oil teas and infusions recommended for treating bronchial infections.

Thyme seeds are planted at the end of March, in tall pots with a diameter of 30-40 cm, because the bushes become very dense.


Sage needs plenty of natural light, which is why the pot should always be in front of a window. It grows by seed, which you can plant in the pot from January-February.


The coriander also needs a lot of sun, so its place will be in a window, preferably one facing south. It also loves heat (temperatures above 18 degrees Celsius), so moving the pot to the balcony in the cold months is not the best idea.


Basil is grown in early spring and can be moved to the window boxes at the end of April. The seeds should be sown at around 0.5 cm in well-fertilised soil, preferably in a ceramic pot.

The basil should be watered abundantly and the pot should be kept at a moderate temperature in a bright place, out of direct sunlight.

Needs plenty of light, warmth and well-drained soil. Basil is used not only in the kitchen, but also as a decorative plant or to keep insects away.


Tarragon, the spice that replaces salt in dishes, is grown by sowing seeds or potting a sprig from the garden. It loves the sun and needs moderate amounts of water. Tarragon leaves are harvested in summer to dry and stored in jars or paper bags.


It grows by growing seedlings in a pot of water until it develops its first roots. Rosemary loves the sun, needs good soil (potting soil) and a moderate amount of water, watering is mostly done by filling the potting medium with water.


The plant can be propagated by seeds, cuttings or stumps, the latter being the most common. It likes sunny places and needs fertile, well-drained soil.


Thrives well in a large pot with moist soil in a slightly shady spot. Like parsley, mint regenerates quickly, so you can tear off the leaves often for use in the kitchen.

Caraway/Persian cumin

It is propagated by seeds, which are planted 2 cm deep in a pot where you can also have an ornamental plant. It likes natural light and needs water just as much.